A growing list of Artbooks Since Information and Works of Chinese Artists are not so easy to access outside China I started this list …
The Art of Chinese Horse painting Without restraint, the horse is a universal symbol of freedom. Horses are ranked quite high in traditional Chinese …
Overview of Chinese Dragon Art Chinese Dragon Art has many forms in China, which this article will give a short overview. Starting from mythology …
The Art of Chinese Silk Painting From a landscape portrayal of life in a merchant town to depicting gorgeous characters clad in traditional gowns …
The origin of ink wash painting or as called in Chinese “shui mo hua” Ink wash painting or the ink wash technic is a …
Historic understanding of Chinese Guo Hua painting Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The materials used in Chinese Guo Hua painting …
In the last 10 years, tattoo’s became immensely popular among the young Chinese and during my 5 years in China, it felt that almost …